Jörg Schumacher

Jörg Schumacher


Jörg Schumacher , Expert-comptable/Commissaire aux comptes in France and Wirtschaftsprüfer / Steuerberater in Germany, joined us in May 2009 to head up our German Desk. One of the few chartered accountants with a dual qualification allowing him to practise under both French and German law, he has several years’ experience in assisting German companies operating in France. He has also advised numerous French investors wishing to invest in Germany. In addition to his Franco-German expertise, he specialises in statutory and contractual audits.

Jörg is available to answer any questions on accounting and auditing in a Franco-German context.

Contact us:

Accountant in XXYY
Jörg Schumacher
+33 1 78097440

Contact persons: